Saturday, May 15, 2010

Happy Happy Birthday Birthday!!

I have 14 year old twins. That just sounds really weird to me. I am now one of those moms who stops moms with itty-bitty twins and says, “I have twins. But mine are big now.” Never thought I’d do that, but I did…just last week.

Anyway, we let the twins turn 14 and were able to celebrate with some friends in Tucson as well as with Grandma and Grandpa Jack and Aunt Cindy. That was an extra-special treat!
Grandpa took everyone bowling and we had a great time. As usual, I took tons of photos, but here are some of the better ones. I’m still struggling with F-stops and aperture settings, trying to get good shots indoors without a flash. I’ll get there eventually.

Sarah took a picture of me and when I saw it I said something like, “Those pants make my hips look big.” Or some such comment. Bless her heart. She said, “You just look like yourself, Mom.” Thanks, honey. I think.

Here are Grandma, Andrew and Aunt Cindy. It was good to be able to spend time together again. We don’t do it often enough!

At the end of the day, we gathered for cake and ice cream (and a yummy candlelit dinner) at our friends’ house. We sang “Happy Birthday” and “Felíz Cumpleaños”, and then we attacked the cake.

Happy Birthday, Twinlets!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh My! All this time knowing you from your blog and I didn't know you had twins! :)!!!! happy happy birthday birthday is right :)