In English -- watermelon!!!
We used to enjoy watermelon in mid-July in Oregon. Here in Sinaloa, watermelon season is mid-November. Gotta love the year-round garden! Our watermelon patch behind the house has been thriving, and we have been waiting (more-or-less patiently) for the first melon to ripen and for the perfect opportunity to enjoy it.

Here's Seth with our prize melon.

Last week we finally had the perfect occasion to cut 'er open. We took
a trip to a local park with some friends and made a day of it. The kids were all so adorable, I kind of went crazy with the camera...untill the batteries went dead. Oh well, 250 shots was probably sufficient!

So, we don't have autumn leaves. Oh, well! We get to eat watermelon in November! It's a good trade-off!
As long as the melon was sweet, yes a great trade off. Cool photos too!
Awww, man! What I wouldn't give for a nice, warm summer day and some watermelon!! Looks great!
I love the expression on the little boy's face(the picture before the last).
Watermelon is the best fruit ever.
Thank you for this blog. This is my first visit, but prayerfully it won't be my last!
I have always wanted to know what life was like as a missionary in Mexico. I have had a desire in the past to move to Mexico, but my husband pastor has no such desire, which is why I know that it must just be me!
May God bless you for your faithfulness!
Love in Christ,
Thanks so much for the encouraging words! You are my very FIRST visitor! Welcome all the way from Mexico!
Love in Christ,
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