Intro: “Have It Your Way” (Burger King) - As cooler weather approaches and the winter eases into our doors I like to lounge by the fire after a hot shower. I love to make soups that are brimming with a rich and full flavor. In our home there’s nothing better than a hot bowl of soup or and a hot cup of coffee or cocoa on a cold winter night.
Assignment: Tell us all about how your have “your” relaxing time, more especially how during the cooler months you take time to curl up with your favorite movie, book, Bible study, and what your favorite warm drink would be.
Share a picture of your favorite spot in the house or your favorite warm beverage, your favorite movie or book; possibly even your favorite Bible Study or maybe your women’s Bible group.
Share your favorite scripture and don’t forget the Memory Verse above.
How does a mom of six find a little quiet time? She gets up really early!!!
"Tambien se levanta cuando aún es de noche,
y da alimento a los de su casa y tarea a sus doncellas"
Proverbios 31:15
"She rises also while it is yet night,
and gives food to her household and work to her maidens."
While I do believe (and remind myself often) that the "Proverbs 31 Woman" is not an actual snapshot of one Godly woman in particular, but rather a collage of various characteristics which suit a Godly woman, I've found that getting up early is a good way to ensure my sanity. I still don't really like it -- I'm much more a night owl than a morning dove -- but it does help be a nicer person! ;^)
When the kids were little, Caleb used to be up before the chickens. He would toodle into the kitchen where I was sitting sipping my morning coffee. I was still bleary-eyed, gazing into the fire of the woodstove. "Hi, Mommy!" he would bubble and then he would begin to chatter. Left unchecked, he would chatter until sometime mid-afternoon when he would collapse for a nap.
So, I made a rule: You kids can get up anytime you want, but you can't talk to me before 7 a.m. Of course, I allowed a "Good morning, Mommy!" (I'm a grouch, not an ogre.) But sustained conversation was forbidden.
Now the kids are older and they've been trained to be very quiet around Mom in the morning. It's ok to rise up and call me "Blessed", just do it quietly and wait till the sun comes up, please!!!
So, I get up early to go exercise at my neighbor's house 3 mornings a week. During the winter -- when the mosquitos aren't so loco -- I get up early to attend the women's prayer and Bible study(we don't even do it during the summer because it's too hot and buggy). And I make myself a pot of coffee, curl up on the couch with my Bible and read...early in the morning. Sometimes it's actually cool, too! ;^)
Here's a photo of my ladies' Bible study group (I never take the camera to the early morning prayer. Who wants their picture taken at 6am? Not me!!!).

how wonderful to have close neighbours to get together with. What a blessing.
I understand what you mean by not a morning person. Getting up early is something I struggle with even though I know it would be good.
I am so not a morning person either! Good for you though on getting up anyway. I was laughing about your kids being trained to not converse in the early morning hour!!! ;) Sounds like a great rule.
I need to implement that rule! It's brilliant! The first thing my 3-year old says to me in the morning is "eat". Not the first thing I want to
Enjoyed your post! I wake up early for quiet time, too.
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