Tuesday, January 13, 2009

She's alive!!!

Oh, I'm so behind! Christmas preparations, a week sick, Christmas, friends from out of town, another week sick and here we are with only a few days before we leave for our winter furlough and I am SOOO behind!!! I finally got all the photos uploaded...well, most of the photos...from the past month. It's amazing how long that takes at 49.2 kbps. Ugh. Did I mention that I'm behind?

So, here we go with a series of photo posts and links to my other blog (which is also way behind -- at least I'm consistent!) to catch you up fast. Afterall, a picture is worth a thousand words, right???

Felíz año a todos!!!


Anonymous said...

Haha! Welcome back. :)
Miss Jocelyn

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder on the corn. It is not humid at all here so I don't have that problem. The corn here is usually left on the cob to dry making it easy to just hang around until you need it, however it gets very dirty so I need to de-cob and then rinse and dry quickly in the oven. Then I plan to give some away (I have so much!! Our Quechua friends give me more than I know what to do with each year) and save some in the frig. for us to use. I have found that after taking it of the cob it's best to keep it in the frig. since the moths are the ones that have a hay day with it. I have had to throw out lots of corn and wheat and such because of moths and sometimes weevils.
Thanks for prayers for house prep and moving. I just spent the morning in the back yard again burning trash and bagging all the unburnable stuff.
Hope your furlough prep goes well. I'll pray now that things all come together for you. I have that coming up later this year too. But one thing at a time! :)
Bendiciones hermana!

Anonymous said...

Yay! So glad you're alive and well. I completely understand the busy behind syndrome going around. But for the grace of God I could never accomplish half of what I do manage to accomplish. He is so good! Big Hugs!